Science Per Forms

Video by Ibanez Kim
Created For: Carbon Dance Theatre
Length: 60 Minutes
Music: ARP, Gabriel Prokofiev
Choreographic Collaborator: Marcel W. Foster
Robotic & Technology Collaborators: Andrew Gardner (Accelerometer Device), Georgia Gunthrie (Kinects System), Simon Kim PhD (Robotic Arms & Accelerometer Device), Stella Latscha (Robotic Arms Programmer), Mark Yim PhDz (Robotic Arms), Dean Wilhelmi (Robotic Arms Programmer)
Costume Design: Martha Chamberlain
Lightning Design: Joseph Glodek
Dancers: Felicia Cruz, Sun-Mi Cho, Danielle Currica, Anna Noble, Eiren Shuman-Sutton, Annie Wilson
Premiere: October 25, 2012 - Christ Church Neighborhood House, Philadelphia, PA
Science per Forms is an evening-length work created in collaboration with robotic and technology collaborators that incorporates concepts, technologies and inventions from the discipline of science.